I'm too Stressed at Work and Want to Quit. Do you get This Feeling? Don't Worry; Here is a Solution

8 July 2018 / Farhan Hanif

Stress at work gets chronic if not controlled. You need to do something or it will remain intact. Fortunately, it is controllable as soon as you identify what is causing it to happen.

You should begin with first identifying where your stress is emerging from. Once identified, you get the way towards managing it.

Remember that controlling stress at work is extremely crucial for your overall health. Following points can help you manage stress at work and make your life peaceful:

Put Control on Your Objectives

Being unrealistic in setting work objectives is one of the key contributors to escalating stress.

This could be due to many reasons like attempting to earn extra or looking for growth in a short period. But the fact is that this approach slows your goals further.

Hence, setting realistic objectives is key to success. Just because if you know where you want to go, you can set the track and progress towards your destination.

Answer is: You need to set timeframe when you come across the bunch of tasks (mostly all of the sudden).

You put yourself in trouble when you schedule tasks more than your capacity, and this is what is your great stressor. So learn to say "NO" when you are over occupied. Also, learn to shun any task which is unnecessary actually but you have misunderstood it as necessary. Your commitments should be time-based.

You need to schedule each task, not just your appointments or meetings. If your email checking and replying consumes 1 hour per day, you need to schedule time for that too. You can use planners (especially electronic planners). After all, you are making an effort to improve your health caused by stressful work life.

Only Conduct Effective Meetings and Discard the Rest

Remember that your meetings are meaningful only if there is critical problem to be solved or critical information to be shared. When there is a need for interaction, meeting comes into existence. Otherwise, sitting for everything and getting into debate is a big time waster.

About 80% of time can be saved if two things are considered for meetings: One is Starting & Ending Meeting on Time and second is following Agenda.

Learn to Control Events

Make commitments that you can meet only. Otherwise, you will be bewildered between practical and impractical commitments.

The foundation of Time Management is your ability to control events. And, what are these events?

Dr. Charles Hobbes explains following events:

1. Uncontrollable Tasks and you really feel you can't control them. Your right judgment.

2. Controllable Tasks but you feel you can't control them. Your misjudgement.

3. Uncontrollable Tasks but you think you can control them. Your over smartness.

4. Controllable Tasks but you do not want to control them. Your procrastination.

5. Controllable Task and you think you can control them. Your right judgment again.

Now where is stress in it? - Points 2, 3 and 4 are the main stressors that you should learn to manage. So the moment you get the feeling that things are getting out of your control, it means you are moving towards stressful and unhappy life.

Divide Your Time Wisely

Try to spend majority of your time on points 3 and 4 of following categories:

1. Tasks that are not urgent and least important.

2. Tasks that are urgent but least important.

3. Tasks that are not urgent but very important.

4. Tasks that are urgent and very important.

Learn to Defer Tasks Carefully

People often defer tasks for reasons such as not knowing how to do the task, not liking the task or confused about where to start from due to over-excitement.

The solution is in handling the situation by breaking large tasks into small procedures thay can be managed and remembered. Your prioritized to do list could help you for this. And then, reward yourself upon step by step progression. This is how Software Developers work.

If the picture of your task is big in your mind, you will panic and then start to procrastinate. Hence, breaking into small and simple objectives is recommended. 

Publication of www.impressols.com


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