Do you Think you are a Leader?

If you talk about a Manager, there is a risk that he can convert workload into a nightmare of stress for his subordinates. But a Leader gets into setting the pace for his entire team with proper evaluation and whether there is pressure exceeding the limits.

So you must think about it if you want to retain your staff and receive respect from them.
You can adapt following points to help you get started in becoming a Leader:
  • Set the pace of work: If you are always in panic due to workload, your team would be into it too. So think about it and keep yourself away from panic.
  • Learn to identify if it's Real or Imagined Work Pressure. Imagined Pressure is when you impose unnecessary pressure on you to meet your deadlines. You need to think about some unnecessary thoughts that are arising in your mind as a hindrance and wasting your time. This happens mostly when managers are weak at anticipating the workload and plan accordingly to accomplishment deadlines.
  • Are you habitual of shifting from Task A to Task B and then get back to Task A all of the sudden? - This is because you have never set task expectations as to what is expected from the team and what priority is defined for different tasks. You and your subordinate must set clear expectations rather than simply saying; "Do it by coming Monday".
  • Do you like to gossip about each of your team members and decide things for them accordingly? - If yes, then you're on board with only Managers; but not Leaders. The solution is by leading with example. Do you expect your team to be kind to customers? - You will need to do so first.

To conclude, Managers sit back and keep barking; while Leaders can't sleep if they can't help or collaborate with their team.


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