My Resume is not Getting Shortlisted !

Are you tired of job hunting with no results until now? - Sometimes bad luck happens; however, there are ways that you can use to mitigate wrong approach in your job search.

Studying following points can help you in your job hunt struggle:

  • You could be with less than required qualification: It is not necessary to have full skills and qualifications required in the vacant job that you see before applying. But what you need to match is whether your profile matches at 90% with the required skills and qualifications of this vacant job. If you are strong in one area but short of just 6 months of experience, it does not mean you would be rejected. So, altogether, you need to make up 90% of your Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.
  • You could be with higher qualification than required: Majority of employers want a right fit. Hence, they avoid super qualified people. Try not to over exaggerate on your qualifications; instead illuminate your other areas on your resume. But do not hide things, at the same time.

    If you are an MBA applying for a job of typewriter, then there are chances of your rejection. However, if you still want to apply due to some circumstances, then you need to mention your constraint on your cover letter.
  • You could be focusing on non specific jobs: Just sending job applications to all vacant positions, would simply put you in rejection list. You need to read the job description and job specification clearly. Many people do not even read the job advertisement completely and expect a call for interview.

    There is an example of a person who used to complain about not being entertained whenever he applied through Linkedin or any other social media. The biggest mistake he was making was that he was applying for all jobs without reading the job content properly. Upon realizing, when he started reading the content properly, he came up with hardly 1-2 companies out of 10-15 about which he was comfortable and confident with.
  • You could have a careless or messy Resume: Typos seem a too little thing. But when it comes to resume, they make a huge difference. Many (almost 90% of fresh university graduates) do not run a spell check after preparing a resume. And, about the same percentage of people do not run a spell check when they update their resumes.

    Furthermore, keep simple formatting with 12 font size, Times New Roman Font, Left alignment, 1 margin on all four sides and 1.5 line spacing, 0 spacing, 0 indentation, US or UK English.

    Also, keep good grammar of your sentences. Have your sentences structured by some friend if you feel your grammar is weak. An engineer may not be required to exhibit excellent grammar in job, but it is needed in the resume.
  • Your cover letter could be messy: No one has time to read long essays of your cover letter. So be specific and mention why you are a good fit for this vacant position. If your cover letter mentions that you have what it takes to run the job successfully, then you are almost in.
  • You could be annoying: It's not a good practice to keep asking the recruiters about your resume status. Instead, send your resume to the job which you feel you qualify for completely. Then wait for 4 weeks. After that, you can send one email. If still no reply, then there is no need to keep knocking at the door.

    It's because there are companies in different countries that do not like to be bugged frequently. Hence, just one followup is enough.

Working on above points has been seen to have created higher chances in resume shortlisting.


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