Is There any Feeling of Uneasiness in you as to how to Manage Work / Life?

People still stay on their jobs for years and years despite they hate them now but loved in the past.
A job admired or coveted for earlier is not necessarily the right career all the times; especially when there is a feeling of uneasiness in balancing work life.

Is it that you hate to attend your office everyday or most often? - Then it's the right time to think about your mid-job crisis and take it as an opportunity to come out of it through following tools:
  • Restart your thought process and reinvigorate your ambition.
  • Look for your top favorite things that you would like to do most often.
  • Now use them to make your goals you want to achieve. Anything; Money, Fame, Contribution to Society, Religion or combination.
  • Match your job with your goals. If mismatch, you are in a wrong organization.
  • Now list down the things that you want to do in your life. They could be hundred or more or your dreams like traveling a new country once a year with family.

    If your job does not allow you to accomplish these goals outside your work, then it's time to change your organization.


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