Why do People Think that Employee Performance Evaluation is Useless?

This tool, for evaluation process and communication, has been used for years and, at the same time, disliked by supervisors and subordinates equally.

Here are some points that give an answer:

Supervisors detest performance reviews because they feel it's waste of time and creates a feeling in the subordinate that he/she is being spied on and would lead to employee turnover as soon as employee feels that he is being controlled like an animal in zoo.

At the same time, employees hate this because they do not want to be judged. And, when their review happens, they take feedback personally with negative feeling towards the supervisor.

Now, how to fill this gap and make this traditional Performance Evaluation System meaningful?
Try to follow little piece of advice below:

Simply think about the overall plan of your organization which is important for business success and survival. Do this at least even if you cannot make Strategic Goals or conduct Strategic Planning exercises.

Just take a deep breath and keep it simple that your employee is here for some purpose; hence, you both should know this purpose. The reason for his/her existence is to produce something (in terms of Quality and Quantity).

Sit down with the subordinate and start noting down what is expected from him/her and make it fair with acknowledgments from both. The output should match with the purpose of this employee's existence in the organization.

If there is matching between the purpose of existence and what was decided during goal setting meeting, the performance is up to the mark; otherwise, not appropriate in which case put him/her on the PIP plan (Performance Improvement Plan) and redefine the expectations and set the time for three to six months for next review.

When the employee feels that he/she exists for some purpose and will only be evaluated to fulfill this requirement, then it will be time to say that Performance Management System in your organization is meaningful.


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