The Most Important Things That Push Away Quality Candidates during Interview

This is, extremely, a pain point when the organization claims to have the best recruitment team, but ends up with a tiring task of getting the quality people in.

Despite having the best database of quality applicants, an organization may face a big problem in the recruitment phase, i-e., making the quality candidates accept the job offer after interview phases.
Following are the key points that play an imperative role in pushing away the quality candidates without even realizing:
  • Getting Personal during Interview: Being personal is a common practice followed by many recruiters (even qualified ones). This part is prone to pushing the entire effort under jeopardy as the quality candidate would never like to work with an organization, the HR team and the Hiring Manager of which are fraught with poor interviewing skills. For example, the interviewers are often found degrading the candidate’s School or institution where he/she has studied previously. This is a very delicate situation in which the interviewer needs to know the facts behind choosing a particular institute, but leads the interview towards the prejudice without even realizing. Similarly, the interviewers do not even realize that they have lost the candidate when they get personal in asking questions regarding ethnic or community belonging.
  • Long Wait on the Interview Day:
    Now, this is another big pain point to which many organizations do not pay serious attention and lead themselves to losing quality candidates. Candidates, truly, do not like to wait a long time for their interview to start. Their entire energy gets down and they are left with no sufficient energy to perform during the interview even though they’re equipped with good quality.Another important thing is that these candidates are, usually, not even asked for a glass of water even though the routine Tea/Coffee is distributed to the existing employees in front of these interviewees waiting for their call. What seems decent is to offer a glass of water than just asking. This etiquette needs to be taught to the office service personnel to serve every applicant with at least a glass of water (without waiting to be asked for).
  • Being too investigative:
    Being too investigative creates the feeling of mistrust between the interviewer and candidate, which is one of the key points in the interview phase. There are many interviewers (both HR and Line Managers) who have no idea of this key point and they start creating a situation of mistrust which, undoubtedly, infuriates the candidate as he/she expects to be respected in any case. Probing questions are very delicate and require a lot of attention from the interviewer. If a slight drift occurs, chances are that the quality candidate has been missed. Thereafter, the HR team gets into the need to run after the candidate to make him/her accept the offer.
Talking about all these points, simply, elucidates the common errors that many HR Pros perpetrate and, at the same time, they claim to be the best recruiters.


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