Many Reasons Cause Employees to Quit Their Job

Many reasons cause employees to quit their job. One of the reasons could be spouses, children, career change or anything else.

The art is at keeping the majority of these reasons under control, which is possible. The best approach is to stay in contact with your employees, which will help you know if they are happy at work or not. The main areas where you can look for problems are Communication with supervisor; and, feedback & recognition from supervisor.

Following are some of the important points that you can work on to reduce turnover in your organization:
Look if employees have well established professional working relationship with their supervisors. It does not need to be friendship. It has to be a professional working relationship involving feedback mechanism and connecting the employee with organization goals.

If the kind of work is meaningless or unchallenging, the boredom will occur. So it is necessary for supervisors to work with employees and keep them engaged with their contribution and ideas.

The colleague with whom the employee sits is one of the critical components. If there is an environment in the organization where colleagues help one another in solving problems, then it's a positive sign. Otherwise, this may lead to one of the reasons for turnover.

A feeling of pride comes when an employee's skill is utilized for organization success. Employees feel highly motivated with they participate. Along with this, they want to enhance these skills to contribute further. If this culture exists, it's one of the positive signs too.

The overall culture of the organization brings an impact too. Some of the important areas to keep an eye on are; if organization treats employees with respect and if there is a transparent communication system.

Going through above points is known for bringing the positive environment in the organization. And, when there is a Positive Corporate Culture, then everybody wants to work for such an organization.


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